Detects internal part failure before serious crankcase damage.
This small, compact, easy-to-install Engine Protector shuts down the diesel when crankcase pressure reaches a predetermined level. It's a foolproof way to prevent engine damage and personal injuries.
When the pressure in the crankcase exceeds a predetermined limit-caused by scored liners, broken or severely worn pistons or rings-the diaphragm operates a switch wired into the governor circuit which shuts down the engine, causing a red light to flash. The engine protector is isolated, providing a simple and accurate way for the operator to locate the trouble.


Model 120 P-M Engine Protector
A connection to the air box allows a test to be made at the start of each run. The engine protector is sealed to prevent damage from water or cleaning solutions.
Installation of the model 120 P-M engine protector is made quickly and inexpensively because it is shipped as a complete unit with all internal wiring factory assembled and tested.
The model 120 engine protector has been thoroughly tested under actual conditions. It has been conservatively estimated to have saved more than 75 engines and in no case have any been lost where an engine protector has been installed.