Paxton-Mitchell Snooper Truck – New Website
The new and fresh look for the Paxton-Mitchell website highlights and creates value and responsive resources across all platforms to provide informative and relevant customer support, training, and preventative maintenance for all Snooper Trucks. The website is live today.
About Paxton-Mitchell Co., LLC
Paxton-Mitchell Co., LLC. is the designer and manufacturer of the One and Only, the Original SNOOPER® Truck. The SNOOPER® is the world’s most widely used Underbridge Inspection and Bridge Maintenance Truck.
In 1964, the first “SNOOPER®” Underbridge Inspection and Maintenance Truck was designed and manufactured. Today, the SNOOPER® has been sold all over the United States to state highway departments, municipalities, counties, contractors, and construction equipment rental companies. They have also been sold overseas. All components are a brand name, American-made, manufactured and assembled in the United States. Our slogan says it all: “A bridge isn’t inspected until the SNOOPER sees it!”
Feature Pages
Specialty Product-The Williams Grip Connectors and Terminal Block
Paxton-Mitchell Snooper Truck – Training
Media Contact
Name: Maria Carpio
Title: Director of Marketing
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (402) 426-3131